Speak English Salon

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Interchange Un.5 WBp25 ★★★

Interchange Un.5 WB p25.2

1. Would you be nervous about being far away from your family?

Yes. One thing I’d be nervous about is not being able to speak the language.

2. Would you feel insecure about traveling alone?

Yes. One thing I’d feel insecure about is not being able to speak English. Another thing I’d feel insecure about is the food.

3. Would you be enthusiastic about making new friends?

Not really, but one thing I’d  really be enthusiastic about is enjoying the scenery and nature.

4. Would you be curious about the way people live in other countries?

Yes. One thing I’d be curious about is the history the people.

5. Would you be anxious about spending too much time money?

Yes. I would be worried about my savings decreasing.

Interchange Un.5 WB p25.3

1. The Architecture is something I’d be fascinated by.

2. The climate is something I’d be comfortable with.

3. The food is something I’d be curious about.

4. The language is something I’d be uncertain about.

5. The money is something I’d be worried about.

6. The music is something I’d be comfortable with.

7. The people my age are something I’d be curious about.

8. The public transportation is something I’d be uncertain about.


Speak! English Salon/スピーク英会話サロン



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Comics – Peanuts ★★

You can find most of America’s most popular comics at Yahoo! news. While Sunday comics are printed in color; the daily comics are in black and white. Peanuts by Charles Schulz is one of my favorites. Most Japanese are familiar with the character Snoopy and Charlie Brown, but not with the comic strip. Enjoy!

coward: 臆病(おくびょう)者, いくじなし, ひきょう者

sneak: こそこそする人, 下劣な人, 告げ口屋

block: 頭

knock your block off:  人の頭をぶんなぐる; 人をひどい目にあわす

mangle: をずたずたに切る, めちゃめちゃにする;つぶしたり曲げたりして台なしにする

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Owner of Multi-Million Dollar Company Hands Over Business to Employees – ABC News

Owner of Multi-Million Dollar Company Hands Over Business to Employees – ABC News.

Before the words “whole grain” and “organic” became part of Americans’ everyday vocabulary, Bob Moore knew the importance of healthful eating.In 1978, he started Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, as a small family-run business in Oregon selling stone mill-ground whole grains.

The company has since grown into a multi-million dollar business that sells more than 400 whole grain products including flours, hot cereals, and organic and gluten-free products.

Moore is dedicated to making America healthier and he believes Bob’s Red Mill is a small part of the solution.

“Our company needs to exist so that some of the people that eat our product will be healthier — and I think they will be,” he said.

Employee-Run Business

Moore’s work is a way of life and his employees are a second family, which is why he announced this week that he’s handing over the keys to his 209 employees.

Moore said he’s gotten countless buy-out offers over the years, but he couldn’t envision selling the business to a stranger.

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読売 ニュースの英語 ★★★

of all time

“Asashoryu has the third most championships of all time behind the legendary Taiho and Chiyonofuji.”


of all time: 古今を通じての;

time: 時代、年代

legendary:  伝説の、伝説的な、有名な

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Internet Radio ★★

A fun way to improve your listening ability is to listen to American radio stations. In the past the only way to do this was to subscribe to Yusen, but thanks to the Internet, many radio stations stream their programs on-line. Here is one of my favorites.:

Hawaiian 105 KINE

Just click the play button and after a few seconds, the music should start. Every twenty minutes or so there are some commercials and information about what’s going on around Oahu.

Aol Radio

Aol Radio offers more than 350 Sports, News, Music, and Talk stations all just a click away.


Over 6000 Internet radio stations run by real people.


One of the best sites around for exploring music. Type in the name of a band you like and Last.fm will introduce other bands you might like.


Speak! English Salon/スピーク英会話サロン


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Japan Times – Phrase 73 ★★

Japan Times の『これで英語が通じた!思ったことがズバリ言えるフレーズ」からふだん、会話でよく使う短い言葉。いざ英語で言うとなると…

■今週のフレーズ – 73

I have no idea.


A: Guess who that movie star’s going to marry.
B: I have no idea.

A: あの映画スターの婚約者、だれだか知ってる?
B: 見当がつかないなあ。

ということを意味する。I haven’t the slightest/foggiest idea.
というと、さらに強い言い方になる。Guess 〜(当ててごらん)で始める

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Editorial Cartoons ★★★

An editorial cartoon, also known as a political cartoon, is an illustration or comic strip containing a political or social message, that usually relates to current events or personalities. Political cartoons can usually be found on the editorial page of most newspapers, although a few, like Garry Trudeau‘s Doonesbury are sometimes found on the regular comics page.

Here is a selection of some recent editorial cartoons

In this cartoon by Ben Sargent, the mother is Obama disgusted with the lazy boy on the sofa who is “public opinion”. Many Americans hold the contradictory position that they don’t want the government interfering with their lives, but they do want the president to do something to improve the economy and the jobs situation.



1 (他人の事などに)よけいな世話をやく, おせっかいをする, 干渉する⦅in, with …⦆

You shouldn’t meddle in other people’s affairs.|他人のことにちょっかいを出すのはよせ.

buzz off:

4⦅主に英俗⦆行く, 去る⦅off, along⦆Buzz off! |うせろ.

Tom Toles is one of my favorite editorial cartoonists. Although his drawings are deceptively simple, they usually carry a powerful message. In the cartoon above, a global warming skeptic on the left introduces the snowman (representing the recent heavy snowstorm in Washington D.C.) as evidence that global warming is nonsense. In the small drawing at the bottom, the snowman has melted due to the very global warming the skeptic has been doubting.


global warming:

地球温暖化 (現象)


1(…の)証拠, 根拠, 証明⦅of, for …, to do, that⦆

reliable evidence|確かな証拠

a strong piece of evidence|強力な証拠

We need stronger evidence to convict him.|彼を有罪とするにはより強い証拠が必要だ

There is not enough evidence to decide the matter.|その問題について決定を下すだけの十分な根拠がない

The police have hard evidence that he is the thief [=of his being the thief].|警察は彼がどろぼうだという確証を握っている.

2 (…を)明白にするもの;(…の)しるし, 徴候, 形跡⦅of …, that⦆. ▼この意味でも複数形は現在ではまれ

evidence of peace and prosperity|平和と繁栄のしるし

give [bear, show] evidence of …|…を示す

The test results are clear evidence of the student’s ability.|その学生の能力は試験の結果に歴然と表れている

There was evidence of struggle in the car.|車には格闘の形跡が見られた.


1⦅時にa 〜⦆意味をなさないもの [こと] 無意味な言葉, たわ言, ナンセンス.

2 ばかげた発言 [考え]

You’re talking complete nonsense.|まったくばかげたことを言っている.

3 愚かな行為knock [take, beat]

the nonsense out of …|…のばかげたことをやめさせる

Stop this nonsense, Tom.|トム, こんな愚かなことはやめなさい

I stand no nonsense from my son.|息子のたわ言は(親として)聞き捨てならない.


Speak! English Salon/スピーク英会話サロン


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ゴガクル ★★

I see. That’s what this is all about.


解説:「なるほど」はI see.となります。「そういうことなんだ!」を英語で表現するには「何が」「どういうことなのか」を言わなければなりません。「何が」を説明するにはこの場合That’s what +主語+動詞で表現します。「どういうことなのか」は「アベちゃんの話を聞いて全て分かった!」ということなのでthis is all aboutと言うことができます。この2つをうまく組み合わせれば、伝わる英語になります。

That’s what I wanted to tell you.


解説: 「まさにそれが!」というニュアンスは、That’ whatで表現できます。「私が言いたかったこと」はI wanted to tell you.と動詞を過去形にします。

If only you could speak some Japanese!


解説: 「せめて~でさえあればいいのに!」という言い回しを英語で表現するにはIf onlyを使った仮定法がぴったりです。仮定法というと「もし~なら、○○なのに」と2つの文章をつなげる構文を勉強したことがあると思いますが、If onlyをつかえば前半の部分だけで文章が成立し、「せめて~」という願望も表現できます

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Japan Times – Phrase 72 ★★

Japan Times の『これで英語が通じた!思ったことがズバリ言えるフレーズ」からふだん、会話でよく使う短い言葉。いざ英語で言うとなると…

■今週のフレーズ – 72

What did you say ?


A: Did you hear? The president of X Co. resigned over the shady deals.
B: What did you say? He quit? That means the rumors were true.

A: 聞いたか? X社の社長が不正取引の責任を取って辞任したよ。
B: 何だって? 辞任だって? あの噂は本当だったんだ。

ここでは、What did you say? は、「驚いた」調子で言わなければならない。
言葉の後に、聞いたことを確かめる言葉(ここではHe quit?)が続くことが