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Japan Times – Phrase 101 ~ ★★

Japan Times の『これで英語が通じた!思ったことがズバリ言えるフレーズ」からふだん、会話でよく使う短い言葉。いざ英語で言うとなると…

今週のフレーズ – 101

Don’t kid yourself!


A: Maybe I’ll get a raise this year.

B: Don’t kid yourself. We’ll be lucky if our salaries don’t go down.

A: ことしは昇給するだろうな。

B: 何言ってんだよ。下がらなきゃラッキーってとこだぜ。


Quit dreaming./Quit fooling yourself./Who are you kidding? なども同じ意味。

今週のフレーズ – 101

This is ridiculous !


A: This is ridiculous! I didn’t even get an interview.

B: It’s tough finding work, even with a resume like yours.

A:くそっ! 面接も受けられなかった。


自分も巻き込まれている状況に対して怒りを表すときの一般的な表現。だれかの発言や報告について、客観的な立場で言う場合は、That’s ridiculous.(バカげている)と言う。

今週のフレーズ – 100

You’re so mean !


A: You’re so mean! Why didn’t you tell me?

B: Every time I call you you’re out.

A: いじわる! なんで知らせてくれなかったのよ!

B: だっていつ電話したって留守だったんだもの。


今週のフレーズ – 99

Suit yourself.


A: I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to study in Spain.

B: Suit yourself. I’ve got nothing to do with it anymore.

A: 私決めたの。スペインに留学するわ。

B: 勝手にしろ。俺はもう知らないからな。


今週のフレーズ – 98

Do it right


A: Look at how you planted these flowers. Do it right.

B: Oh — so you could tell.

A: この花の植え方は何なの。ちゃんとやりなさい。

B: ちぇっ。ばれたか。

同じような表現でよく使われるものに、Do it over again. がある。Look at 〜 は、だれかの間違いや不注意に注意を向けさせるための表現。So you could tell. は、批判が的を射ていることを認める言い方。

今週のフレーズ – 97

Hold your tongue !


A: It’s because you spoil him.

B: Hold your tongue! What do you know?

A: あなたが甘やかすから、いけないんです。

B: だまれ! わかったような口をきくな!

おもに夫や父親が使う、やや古くさく、恩着せがましい言葉。Shut upBe quietと同じ意味。What do you know? は修辞的な疑問文で、別な言い方をすれば、You know nothing.(君は何もわかっていない)となる。

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読売 ニュースの英語 ★★★


The Justice Ministry opened one of the nation’s seven execution chambers to the media for the first time at the Tokyo Detention House.


open: 開く、公開する

execution: 死刑執行

chamber: 部屋, 引用文は原文と一部異なります

◆ Detention House: 拘置所

(2010年8月31日  読売新聞)

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Japan Times – Phrase 100 ★★

Japan Times の『これで英語が通じた!思ったことがズバリ言えるフレーズ」からふだん、会話でよく使う短い言葉。いざ英語で言うとなると…

今週のフレーズ – 100

You’re so mean!


A: You’re so mean! Why didn’t you tell me?

B: Every time I call you you’re out.

A: いじわる! なんで知らせてくれなかったのよ!

B: だっていつ電話したって留守だったんだもの。


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Japan Times – Phrase 86 ~ 87 ★★

Japan Times の『これで英語が通じた!思ったことがズバリ言えるフレーズ」からふだん、会話でよく使う短い言葉。いざ英語で言うとなると…

今週のフレーズ – 88

You’re disgusting!


A: I was just playing around with you.

B: You’re disgusting. I never want to see you again.

A: あなたとは遊びだったのよ。

B: 君は最低だな。もう顔も見たくない。

モラルの問題で腹が立ったことを言うときに使う、かなり強い言葉。I’m disgusted with his behavior. のように過去分詞の形で使うこともある。I’m disgusted with my performance today.(今日の出来には腹が立つ)のように、自己批判する形でもよく使われる。

今週のフレーズ – 87

That’s horrible!


A: He ridiculed me in front of my friends.

B: That’s horrible.



That’s horrible./That’s terrible./That’s awful. は、すべて第三者の行動を非難するときに使う言葉。horribleterrible の前に just をつけると、意味が強くなる。

今週のフレーズ – 86

What are you talking about?


A: Oh, no, I’m going to be late for work.

B: What are you talking about? Today’s Sunday.

A: いかん、会社に遅れちゃうよ。

B: 何言ってるの? 今日は日曜日よ。


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Interchange 3 Un.7

Interchange 3 Un.7 p.45.3A

1. The health of people in urban areas is being threatened by air pollution.

2. soil and underground water have been contaminated because of livestock farms.

3. Acid rain has been created as a result of the burning of gas, oil, and coal.

4. A hole in the ozone layer has been created through the use of CFCs in products like hair spray.

5. Rare plants and wildlife are being harmed through the destruction of rain forest.

6. Huge amounts of farmland have been eaten up due to the growth of suburbs.

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The Right Word – Heavy ★★★

Trying to move a refrigerator out of a third-floor apartment is difficult because it is cumbersome, which means that it is so heavy and bulky that it becomes unwieldy or awkward to handle. Cartons filled with books, on the other hand, are merely heavy, which implies greater density and compactness than the average load.

A huge oak dining table might be described as massive, which stresses largeness and solidity rather than weight, while something that is ponderous is too large or too massive to move, or to be moved quickly (Ex.: a ponderous printing press).

Most of these terms can be used figuratively as well. Heavy, for example, connotes a pressing down on the mind, spirits, or senses (Ex.heavy with fatigue; a heavy heart), and ponderous implies a dull and labored quality (Ex.: a novel too ponderous to read).

Burdensome, which refers to something that is not only heavy but must be carried or supported, is even more likely to be used in an abstract way to describe something that is difficult but can, with effort, be managed (Ex.: a burdensome task). Both a package and a problem may be described as weighty, meaning actually (as opposed to relatively) heavy; but it is more commonly used to mean very important or momentous (Ex.weighty matters to discuss).

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Interchange, Un. 6 p39 ★★

Interchange, Un. 6 p39.7

1. The walls need to be painted.

2.  The rug needs cleaning.

3.  The windows need washing.

4. The clothes need to be picked up.

5.  The lamp shade needs replacing.

6. The wastebasket needs to be emptied.

7.  The ceiling fan needs adjusting.

8. The plant needs watering.

Interchange, Un. 6 p39.7

1. My computer is driving me crazy. It keeps breaking down.

2.  The buttons on the remote control always stick. They keep getting jammed.

3. That used CD player often jumps to another song. It keeps skipping.

4. Our new flat-screen TV has a problem. It keeps flickering.

5. Those old cell phones never work right anymore. They keep going dead.

6.  Sometimes Ed can’t use his solar-powered calculator. It keeps going dead.

7.  My computer screen needs to be replaced. It keeps freezing.

8.  The answering machine never picks up any calls. It keeps breaking down.

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Cutting Edge, Un.1 p7.1~4 ★★★

Cutting Edge, Un.1 p7.1

1. How are things with you?

2.  How do you do?

3.  What is your full name and address?

4. How was your flight?

5.   When did you get here?

6.  Did you have good journey to school this evening?

7.   Where are you staying while you’re here?

8.  Have you got any special reason for learning English?

9.  Do/Can you speak any other languages

10. How is your job going?

11. Have you got any brothers and sisters?

12. Did you have a nice holiday?

13. Is this your first visit to New York?

14. How is all (of) your family?

How is everyone in your family?

How is your family?

Cutting Edge, Un.1 p7.4

1. How do say this in English?

What is the English word for this?

How do you say クリップ in English?

What do you call this in English?

What is this in English?

2. How do you pronounce this (word)?

3. How do you spell ~ ?

4. Which page should I look at?

What page are we on?

What page are we doing/studying?

5. What is tonight’s homework?

What’s for homework tonight?

Is this homework?

6. What did the teacher say?

I’m sorry, (but) I didn’t catch/hear what you just said.

Could you say that again?

Could you repeat that?

7. Could you write that on the board?

Could you write that down for me?

8. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. Could you explain that (again)?

I don’t understand what you’re talking about.


Speak! English Salon/スピーク英会話サロン



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Vocab – Trip

Some words related to traveling. Many Japanese confuse the different terms.

Trip⦅米国用法⦆では長短いずれの旅行にも用いるが⦅英国用法⦆では tourよりも短い旅行を含意する.

1 旅, (特に)小旅行;船旅, 航海;観光[保養]旅行;遠足a pleasure [a day] trip|観光[日帰り]旅行a round trip|⦅米国用法⦆往復旅行;⦅英国用法⦆周遊旅行a trip around the world|世界一周旅行make [take, go on] a trip to …|…へ旅行する(▼⦅米国用法⦆make a tripは商用などの旅行に, take a tripは観光旅行に用いる)Have a nice trip.|どうぞお元気で(行ってらっしゃい)Did you enjoy your trip?|旅行は楽しかったですか.

Travel 旅行(すること)で, 周遊, 観光旅行を含む. ⦅英国用法⦆では特に長距離の旅行, 外国旅行.

1[I (副 詞)](遠方へ乗り物で)行く, 旅行するtravel abroad|海外旅行をするtravel in [through] Europe|ヨーロッパを旅行するtravel by air [sea, land]|空[海, 陸]路で旅をするtravel light [first class]|身軽に[1等で]旅行するtravel widely|広く旅するtravel on business|商用で旅をする.

Tour 視察または観光旅行.

1⦅通例a 〜⦆(…をめぐる)(視察観光などの)小旅行, 周遊旅行, 漫遊(((a)round, of …));一巡, 一周, 巡回;遠足;出張. a cycling [a walking] tour|自転車[徒歩]旅行a study [a sightseeing] tour|研究[観光]旅行go on a tour|周遊に出るmake [take, do] a tour of the city|市内巡りをする.

Journey通例陸路の旅行に用い, 旅の時間と道のりに重点がある. 帰らない場合もある

1⦅主に英⦆(陸上の長い)旅, 旅行. go [start, set out] on a journey to …|…への旅に出かけるmake [take, perform, undertake] a journey|旅行をするbreak one’s journey|⦅主に英⦆(休息のために)旅を中断するthree days’ journey 日の旅程.

Voyage 長い旅で, 船旅, 宇宙旅行.

1 (特に遠い国土地への長い)船旅, 航海. a voyage to the West Indies|西インド諸島への航海go on [=make, take] a voyage|航海に出る.2 空の旅;宇宙旅行an aerial voyage|空の旅a rocket voyage to the moon|月へのロケット旅行.


Speak! English Salon/スピーク英会話サロン

